Before An Abortion
Before any abortion procedure, it is critical to have your pregnancy confirmed. Start with a free and confidential pregnancy test at HopePlace. Even if you have taken a home test, it’s wise to take another confirming test.
If your test result is positive, ask us about a referral for a free ultrasound. A positive pregnancy test only indicates the possibility of pregnancy. You need an ultrasound to get more information.
For instance, experts estimate up to 26% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. Ultrasound will confirm if your pregnancy is viable (growing with a detectable heartbeat) or if you’ve had a miscarriage. In addition, an ultrasound reveals where your pregnancy is located and how many weeks you have been pregnant.
All of this information determines if an abortion is necessary and your particular abortion procedure.
What Are The Two Types of Abortion?
The two types of abortion are medical and surgical. The method you receive is determined by how far along you are in your pregnancy. The FDA has approved a medical abortion through ten weeks gestation only(70 days or less since the first day of a patient’s last menstrual period). Surgical abortions are often performed later in pregnancy.
Medical Abortion
The abortion pill is a medical or chemical abortion because it uses two drugs to terminate a known pregnancy. The abortion pill is not the same as emergency contraception which works to prevent pregnancy.
Because the FDA does not recommend using the abortion pill method after ten weeks, it’s crucial to get a confirmed date of when your pregnancy began.
Surgical Abortion
Abortion providers perform surgical abortions in a clinic or hospital. There are several different methods depending on how long you have been pregnant. The length of your pregnancy also determines whether your cervix will need to be dilated (opened) and whether the procedure requires anesthesia.
Procedures range from Vacuum Aspiration, where the pregnancy is suctioned out, to Dilation and Evacuation (D & E), using scraping tools and forceps to remove the pregnancy.
Side Effects and Potential Risks
Side effects of every abortion include bleeding and cramping. There is also the potential for emotional side effects such as depression from guilt or shame.
For the abortion pill, expect nausea, fever, chills, and diarrhea. The Mayo Clinic lists the number one risk of the abortion pill as an incomplete abortion. This can lead to excessive bleeding and infection.
The potential risks of a surgical abortion include passing blood clots bigger than a golf ball, severe abdominal pain, and infection.
You Are Not Alone
Choosing to have an abortion is a big decision, but you don’t have to make it alone. We’re here to discuss abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks in more detail. If you would like to talk with someone about your situation, please give us a call. We can provide you with confidential help.
We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and potential risks.