When facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel like no one else truly understands what you’re going through, not even your partner. When you feel alone, isolating yourself from those closest to you can be tempting.

While you have no legal obligation to include your partner in your pregnancy decision, sharing your heart and talking through your options may provide new insights and help ease the emotional burden of your pregnancy decision.

Tips for Opening Up to Your Partner

1. Prioritize Safety

Never meet with your partner alone if you feel they might harm you, and if you ever find yourself in immediate danger, call 911 right away.

If you’re experiencing abuse, call the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE before meeting up with your partner to get help navigating your abusive relationship.

Your safety is of utmost importance, and an abusive partner is not the place to be seeking support during your pregnancy decision.

2. Self Reflection

Before meeting with your partner, consider looking inward and asking yourself why you want an abortion.

  • Are you fearful of becoming a mother?
  • Do you feel you don’t have the support you need?

This self-reflection will prepare you to share your heart with your partner and may allow them to support you in ways you had not expected.

3. Make a Plan

Talking to your partner about your pregnancy decision can feel intimidating, especially if you’re unsure of how they’ll respond. Making a plan of where to meet and thinking through what you want to share can help you from backing out at the last minute.

Choose an environment where you feel comfortable and can share your feelings with your partner without reservation.

4. Gather Information

You may consider having an ultrasound scan before meeting with your partner. An ultrasound will provide you with key details about your pregnancy, like the age, location, and viability.

These details can help guide your conversation and provide valuable information about your options and what decision will best protect your health and future.

5. Listen to Insight

Try to allow your partner to share his insights. Even if you think you both may disagree with the pregnancy decision, give him time to share his thoughts. He may share something that you have not yet considered.

Get Help Today

Whether you have the support of your partner or not, Hope Place Monticello is here to help you navigate your pregnancy decision.

We offer free lab-quality pregnancy tests and ultrasound referrals so you can learn more about your pregnancy.

Our trained staff can also answer your questions, discuss your options, and help provide more tips for talking to your partner about your decision.

Contact us today for your confidential appointment.