My Partner Is Pressuring Me to Have An Abortion, But I’m Not Sure

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be difficult, and when you don’t have the support of your partner, it can feel even more overwhelming. Maybe you can’t even think clearly about your pregnancy when others bombard you with their opinions. At times, pressure from others to abort can make you question your own decision, but remember,

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How Does An Ultrasound Work?

Getting an ultrasound scan is a great place to start if you’re pregnant and wondering about your next steps. An ultrasound is safe and painless. It uses sound waves to create a picture of the inside of your uterus and provides useful information about your pregnancy’s viability, age, and location. These details can help you

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What is Medical Abortion?

Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and wondering what it would mean to have a medical abortion? A medical abortion, also referred to as the abortion pill, is a series of drugs that are used to terminate a pregnancy.  Although a medical abortion may seem like a quick and simple solution, not all pregnancies are

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I’ve Already Had an Abortion and Don’t Want Another One. What Are My Options?

If you’ve previously had an abortion and are considering different choices for your current pregnancy, there are two main alternatives: parenting and adoption. Both of these options involve carrying the pregnancy to term, but both choices are significant and offer the potential to create a positive future. Considering Parenting Consider whether you feel prepared with

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

While abortion often seems like the simplest solution when facing an unplanned pregnancy, it is a serious medical procedure that carries risks and can have physical impacts on a woman’s body. If you are considering an abortion, it’s vital for your health that you get all the details you can about the procedure and be

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Knowing how you might respond emotionally after an abortion can be hard to predict. The impact of an abortion on mental health for post-abortive women can vary from one individual to the next. But just as there are physical risks to abortion, there are also risks to your emotional health that you need to be

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I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Scared. Anxious. Confused. Alone. You likely feel all these emotions if you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy. These feelings are normal and understandable, but it’s important to remember that you have options—and you’re not alone.  Read on to learn more about your pregnancy options and how to decide what’s right for you. Or, if you want

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

Abortion is a hot topic, but how often do you hear about abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks? If you recently had sex and your period is late, you may be pregnant. And an unplanned pregnancy means you have a serious decision to make. Before you decide, learn as much as possible about your

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How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

The journey of emotional recovery following an abortion is deeply personal, marked by a range of emotions that can leave lasting effects on a woman’s well-being. It is natural to encounter feelings of grief, anger, sadness, guilt, or shame after undergoing an abortion. These emotions might surface immediately or lay dormant for months or even

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3 Things Needed Before an Abortion?

When faced with pregnancy, it is easy to feel paralyzed with uncertainty and doubts, especially if you weren’t planning your pregnancy. Understanding your first steps can give you the confidence to take action.  If you are considering abortion as an option for your pregnancy, your first steps are to obtain a pregnancy test, ultrasound, and

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